Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Stocking Up and Self Control

If you have not read Jennifer's blog on this, you really should.  She definitely hit this subject right on target.  My thoughts are the same but I would like to add a few things.  This is a touchy subject to some and it should be.  Many may think that if the product is there why not get all of it and I will not have to purchase for a long time.  I get that.  I have used that excuse.  But we have to remember that a lot of people are trying to save money too and if we wipe the shelves, they would not reap the benefits also.  I have tried to keep the mindset that I will only get what I need to last me until the next sale period.  Which is probably around 6 weeks.  Also, if you keep purchasing items that are not truly necessary, then you will end up spending the same as you were before coupons.  So what is the use?  I do not want you or even myself to become discourage when there are no obvious changes in savings.  But remember when you do stock up on items,  the next time you "have" to grocery shop, that is less you will spend because you already have it.

Now for some basic information.  Unfortunately, there was not an insert this week for coupons.  I know I was disappointed as well.  But, there are some great savings at Walgreens, CVS, and the Dollar Store.  Just pay attention to the prices of your favorite things so you will know what is and is not a good price.  Okay, call me the example queen, but here I go again.  Dollar Store had Capris for $2.00.  So does Winn Dixie but you get money toward fuel perks.  So I chose to buy them at Winn Dixie.

To get updates on whether we will be honored with coupons in the paper,  sign up with previewsundaycoupons.com.  That way you will know what is coming and not be surprised when you purchase a paper.  Just remember that the weekly ads are there as well.  So it is not wasted money as you can plan your drugstore trips.   Also check your websites for printable coupons.  redplum.com, coupons.com, and smartsource.com.

Do not forget to purge your coupons for expirations.  Another great idea on coupons you do not need:  cut them anyway because someone you know may use them.  Just save them in a separate place.  My sister-in-law went through mine and she found coupons on things she uses.  Knowing this, I can cut coupons her favorites.  By the way she did great at Walgreens by getting 4/12 packs of drinks for only $5.

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